Hapmak Local Market
Ronney P.
Hapmak Local Market
Hapmak Local Market Is a sole proprietorship type of businesss. It is amongst few local businesses that gathers for its target customers for locally produce farm products and handicrafts. The business has been in operation for the last four (4) years. Our customers always enjoyed the healthy locally avail of farm produce, and as we recently expand with the addition of locally made handicraft, we are targeting visitors to return with a local hand made handicraft, signifying the 'Island of the Sleeping Lady' of Kosrae.
Services & Products offered
Local produce market & locally made handicrafts for sale.
Hours of Operations
Monday - Saturday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM; Closed on Sunday
Holidays Observed: Christmas Holiday
Other Info
Credit Cards Accepted: Not accepted
Location Map
We'd love to hear from you...
- Tel:
- 691-370-7744
- 691-970-1106
- [email protected]
- Physical Address:
- Inkoeya
- Tafunsak
- Kosrae
- 96944
- Mailing Address:
- P. O. Box 991
- Tafunsak
- Kosrae
- 96944
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