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Chuuk Visitors Bureau
(691) 330-4133/4480
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Chuuk Visitors Bureau
P.O.Box 1142
Weno, Chuuk FM 96942
(691) 330-4133/4480
[email protected]
“Diver’s Haven”
Ran Annim (Hello or Welcome)
The many islands within this huge atoll are crowned with natural beauty. The outer barrier reef is punctuated with idyllic sand spits dotted with coconut palms. The high islands in the central lagoon rise into the blue island skies. Lush vegetation and simple living punctuate the lives of the lagoon. Fishing, weaving and tending garden supplant the subsistence lives that many sustain on their individual islands. It is not unusual to see women waist deep in the mangroves hunting for a special delicacy or men walking the reefs by torchlight at night looking for baby octopus. Boat makers create vessels high in the hills of the inner islands and take them down to sea when finished. Open hearth fires are still used to cook the daily meals. Life here is close to nature and lived in conjunction with the land and the sea. Local carvers are also famous for using beautiful local woods to carve warrior masks and busts. And the Chuukese love stick is part of a legendary practice of courtship unique to this island group.Chuuk, with its vast, shallow, beautiful lagoon is a Mecca for wreck divers. A major shipwreck site from WWII, Truk Lagoon is unquestionably the world's best shipwreck diving destination. Here, more than 50 hulks have been transformed into shipreefs, holding the very best of the undersea world and maritime history at one site. Hard and soft corals in a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes attract divers worldwide for both daytime and night diving. The vast selection of artifacts still found on the wrecks after five decades are testament to the unique history of the Micronesian Islands. The historical aspect of Truk Lagoon is not totally hidden by the jungles. Japanese lighthouses, perched high atop the lagoon's finest overlooks, can be reached by hiking or driving. Old runways, command centers, gun emplacements, cave networks, hospitals and libraries can be found with the help of a knowledgeable guide.
Visit Chuuk
In Chuuk, the pace of life slows and tropical nature is easily observed and appreciated. Many of the islands offer lush vegetation that harbors rare and migratory birdlife. Enthusiasts have been known to camp high in the hills to observe these special avians. Wild orchids and other flora are found in the scenic and sometimes rugged terrain of the islands. Traveling by ocean kayak from island to island is one way to enjoy Chuuk. Often overlooked are the outer reefs where a great variety of fish, both pelagic and reef dwelling, venture near cascading coral walls that stretch into the blue abyss of the Pacific Ocean. Windsurfing and sailing in the lagoon passes is also done during tradewind season.

Visa and Entry Formalities
All visitors arriving in the FSM must have and present proof of citizenship or nationality by possessing a valid passport or other travel document issued by the government of the country of citizenship or nationality. The document must be valid for at least 120 days beyond the date of departure from the FSM. Citizens and nationals of the FSM, Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, or the United States may prove citizenship or nationality by possessing a passport, birth certificate or FSM entry permit.
Upon arrival, all non-citizens without a valid entry permit must present a completed "FSM Immigration Arrival and Departure Record." This form is furnished by a carrier prior to arrival at the point of entry. Those wishing to visit the FSM for a period exceeding 30 days must also complete a entry permit. A permit is not required for a person visiting the FSM for 30 days or less.
Every visitor must demonstrate the ability to travel onward beyond the FSM and to leave the FSM at the end of the visit. This can be shown by possession of a return or onward ticket to a destination outside of the FSM to a place where his or her travel documents will allow entry. At the discretion of the Chief of Immigration & Labor, in lieu of a ticket, the visitor may present any other form of proof to show that the non-citizen will be able to leave the FSM upon expiration of the visit, or otherwise.
Citizens and nationals of the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the United States may be issued an entry permit for the duration of the visit, which shall not exceed one year.
All other noncitizens may be issued an entry permit for an additional period not to exceed 60 days. All non-citizens, other than visitors must have their entry permits applied for prior to arrival in the FSM.

Upon arrival, all non-citizens without a valid entry permit must present a completed "FSM Immigration Arrival and Departure Record." This form is furnished by a carrier prior to arrival at the point of entry. Those wishing to visit the FSM for a period exceeding 30 days must also complete a entry permit. A permit is not required for a person visiting the FSM for 30 days or less.
Every visitor must demonstrate the ability to travel onward beyond the FSM and to leave the FSM at the end of the visit. This can be shown by possession of a return or onward ticket to a destination outside of the FSM to a place where his or her travel documents will allow entry. At the discretion of the Chief of Immigration & Labor, in lieu of a ticket, the visitor may present any other form of proof to show that the non-citizen will be able to leave the FSM upon expiration of the visit, or otherwise.
Citizens and nationals of the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the United States may be issued an entry permit for the duration of the visit, which shall not exceed one year.
All other noncitizens may be issued an entry permit for an additional period not to exceed 60 days. All non-citizens, other than visitors must have their entry permits applied for prior to arrival in the FSM.
How to Get to Chuuk?
Travel to Chuuk is provided by United Airlines.

Where to Stay in Chuuk?

How to Get Around in Chuuk?
Blue Lagoon Resort
Neuo Weno, Chuuk 96942
His & Hers
P.O.Box 558
Tel: (691) 330-4608
Fax: (691) 330-5215
Email: [email protected]
IDC Car Rental
Nepukos Weno, Chuuk 96942
J & R Rentals
Tel: (691) 330-2215
Fax: (691) 330-4360
E-mail: [email protected]
P.O.Box 64
Tel: (691) 330-4415
Fax: (691) 330-4365
E-mail: [email protected]
L-5 Hotel
Iras Weno, Chuuk 96942
Triple S Car Rental
Mechitiw Weno, Chuuk 96942
Truk Stop
P.O.Box 546
Tel: (691) 330-4232
Fax: (691) 330-2286
Email: [email protected]

Blue Lagoon Resort
Neuo Weno, Chuuk 96942
His & Hers

Tel: (691) 330-4608
Fax: (691) 330-5215
Email: [email protected]
IDC Car Rental
Nepukos Weno, Chuuk 96942
J & R Rentals
Tel: (691) 330-2215
Fax: (691) 330-4360
E-mail: [email protected]

P.O.Box 64
Tel: (691) 330-4415
Fax: (691) 330-4365
E-mail: [email protected]
L-5 Hotel
Iras Weno, Chuuk 96942
Triple S Car Rental
Mechitiw Weno, Chuuk 96942
Truk Stop

P.O.Box 546
Tel: (691) 330-4232
Fax: (691) 330-2286
Email: [email protected]
Chuuk offers so many Activities and Adventures…
Scuba enthusiasts regard the Truk Lagoon Underwater Fleet as one of the world's most intriguing dives. More than 60 submerged vessels and several downed aircraft rest in the depths of the lagoon, forming the world's largest underwater museum. In 1971 the legislature established the entire area as the Chuuk State Monument.
Built by the Japanese in the early 1930's, the Sapuk Lighthouse was constructed atop a hill commanding a panoramic view of the strategic Northeast Passage. Below the lighthouse are huge guns used to prevent American ships from entering the lagoon. The abandoned houses of lighthouse guards stand nearby in eerie silence.
The Japanese Wartime Communications Center is the principal structure in the complex of buildings that now comprise Xavier High School. Built of reinforced concrete with walls three to four feet thick, the massive building sustained little damage despite direct hits from U.S. Bombers.
The property on which the building stands had been purchased by the Catholic Church prior to the war, and when it was reclaimed, decided to repair the structure and use it as a nucleus for a Jesuit high school. Today the complex includes classroom buildings, a chapel, living quarters and offices for staff members, a study hall, gymnasium, workshop, mess facilities, and student dormitory.
The Tonata Guns and Caves serve as other reminders of wartime. Japanese Forces fortified many natural caves on Weno and other islands in Chuuk. Sometimes, as on FeFan and Tonowas, they enlarged the caves to install guns, or rails for the transportation of munitions and stores. The Tonata installations are typical of those found throughout the former bastion of Chuuk.
Tonachau Mountain Iras is, at 229 meters, the loftiest peak on Weno. The mountain is the legendary home of the God Souwoniras and his divine son. Situated by the Wichon River and Falls, the Wichon Men's Meeting House is the spot where Weno chiefs are reported to have met with Poomey, eldest of the six brothers who were the first chiefs of Chuuk. The shallow pool at the base of the Falls is still used for bathing and sport, just as it was in historic times. The site of Poomey's dwelling on a mountaintop may be seen From here and his gardens are nearby. Numerous petroglyphs are etched in the exposed basalt above the falls.
Nefo Cave, just 50 meters From the Governor's residence, is about 10 feet wide, 6 feet high and 78 Feet long. The cave contains a gun used by Japanese soldiers to guard entry to the north pass, and many of the soldiers lived there.
Other islands in the Truk Lagoon have historic and scenic sites well worth a visit.
Nemwes and Fouman Rocks, in Tunuk and Onip on Udot Island, are associated with the tales of the ancient rivalries between Chuuk and Yap, an island group that lies to the southwest. Legend has it that Nemwes, the daughter of a Yapese high chief, disobeyed her Father's wishes and came to Udot by walking across the sea. But when the priests of Udot destroyed her power to walk on water, Nemwes died of grief.
Chuuk Atoll, in the Caroline Islands, encompasses 15 large islands, 192 islands, and 80 islets and has one of the largest lagoons in the world. It measures 85 kilometers at its widest point and encloses an area of 822 square miles.
What lies beneath the blue waters is a submerged museum of World War II wrecks, for there are more than sixty ships of the Japanese wartime fleet encrusted with coral and lying at various depths.
On these wrecks are fighter planes still transports, trucks still lashed to the decks of freighters, and officers' china and utensils with brand names still recognizable.
The lagoon has been declared a monument, and salvage and souvenir taking of relics are prohibited by law. Divers must obtain a permit before diving around the ships.
One of the two top scuba diving locations in the world. Chuuk's water temperatures are 29 degrees C and incredibly calm between December and May. Average temperature above water is 30 degrees C.

Built by the Japanese in the early 1930's, the Sapuk Lighthouse was constructed atop a hill commanding a panoramic view of the strategic Northeast Passage. Below the lighthouse are huge guns used to prevent American ships from entering the lagoon. The abandoned houses of lighthouse guards stand nearby in eerie silence.
The Japanese Wartime Communications Center is the principal structure in the complex of buildings that now comprise Xavier High School. Built of reinforced concrete with walls three to four feet thick, the massive building sustained little damage despite direct hits from U.S. Bombers.
The property on which the building stands had been purchased by the Catholic Church prior to the war, and when it was reclaimed, decided to repair the structure and use it as a nucleus for a Jesuit high school. Today the complex includes classroom buildings, a chapel, living quarters and offices for staff members, a study hall, gymnasium, workshop, mess facilities, and student dormitory.
The Tonata Guns and Caves serve as other reminders of wartime. Japanese Forces fortified many natural caves on Weno and other islands in Chuuk. Sometimes, as on FeFan and Tonowas, they enlarged the caves to install guns, or rails for the transportation of munitions and stores. The Tonata installations are typical of those found throughout the former bastion of Chuuk.
Tonachau Mountain Iras is, at 229 meters, the loftiest peak on Weno. The mountain is the legendary home of the God Souwoniras and his divine son. Situated by the Wichon River and Falls, the Wichon Men's Meeting House is the spot where Weno chiefs are reported to have met with Poomey, eldest of the six brothers who were the first chiefs of Chuuk. The shallow pool at the base of the Falls is still used for bathing and sport, just as it was in historic times. The site of Poomey's dwelling on a mountaintop may be seen From here and his gardens are nearby. Numerous petroglyphs are etched in the exposed basalt above the falls.
Nefo Cave, just 50 meters From the Governor's residence, is about 10 feet wide, 6 feet high and 78 Feet long. The cave contains a gun used by Japanese soldiers to guard entry to the north pass, and many of the soldiers lived there.
Other islands in the Truk Lagoon have historic and scenic sites well worth a visit.
Nemwes and Fouman Rocks, in Tunuk and Onip on Udot Island, are associated with the tales of the ancient rivalries between Chuuk and Yap, an island group that lies to the southwest. Legend has it that Nemwes, the daughter of a Yapese high chief, disobeyed her Father's wishes and came to Udot by walking across the sea. But when the priests of Udot destroyed her power to walk on water, Nemwes died of grief.
Chuuk Atoll, in the Caroline Islands, encompasses 15 large islands, 192 islands, and 80 islets and has one of the largest lagoons in the world. It measures 85 kilometers at its widest point and encloses an area of 822 square miles.
What lies beneath the blue waters is a submerged museum of World War II wrecks, for there are more than sixty ships of the Japanese wartime fleet encrusted with coral and lying at various depths.
On these wrecks are fighter planes still transports, trucks still lashed to the decks of freighters, and officers' china and utensils with brand names still recognizable.
The lagoon has been declared a monument, and salvage and souvenir taking of relics are prohibited by law. Divers must obtain a permit before diving around the ships.
One of the two top scuba diving locations in the world. Chuuk's water temperatures are 29 degrees C and incredibly calm between December and May. Average temperature above water is 30 degrees C.

Chuuk's Time Zone:
12 GMT
Current Weather
at the Capital

Current Population:
Official Currency:
U.S. Dollar (US$)
Official Languages:
English and Chuukese
Political Status:
Independent Sovereign Nation

Travel Time / Distances
Flying distance from Guam to Chuuk is 1 hour and 50 minutes and from Honolulu to Guam, 12 hours and 15 minutes. United Airlines is the sole carrier servicing Chuuk and the Micronesia Islands.
Interesting Facts
Mecca for wreck divers, consists of several island groups:
Hall Islands
Namonuito Atoll
Eastern Islands
Mortlock Islands