Mar 25 Mt. Schroeder to Inarajan Very Difficult 7 hours for 5 miles
We make the long, steep, slippery climb up to the open summit of Mt. Schroeder with its outstanding views, climb steeply down to traverse the oven, climb steeply up to Atete, and make the long hike out to Inarajan Falls and finally Inarajan. Bring: 4 quarts water, hiking shoes, gloves, sunscreen, insect, lunch and snacks, and camera. Special conditions: Sword grass, little shade, a lot of climbing, and a seriously long hike.
We make the long, steep, slippery climb up to the open summit of Mt. Schroeder with its outstanding views, climb steeply down to traverse the oven, climb steeply up to Atete, and make the long hike out to Inarajan Falls and finally Inarajan. Bring: 4 quarts water, hiking shoes, gloves, sunscreen, insect, lunch and snacks, and camera. Special conditions: Sword grass, little shade, a lot of climbing, and a seriously long hike.